29. december 2011

A quick introduction

I actually already have a blog. But it's in Danish and no one reads it. Well, five people, but what's the fun in that?
I don't speak English very well, but I love to practice the language by writing a lot in English. That's why I've chosen to write this blog in English - even though I can't express myself as good as if it were in Danish.
My former blog was just about me and my daily life. This is going to be the same, in some ways - though this time, I'll only write about things that makes me happy. This blog will be my space, where I can go and write if I feel sad or if I'm just in the mood for writing. Which I am very often.
I'm reading a blog called "theoneinpink" (no, it's not the Rebecca Black side kick, "The Girl in Pink"). It's the famous YouTuber, Julian Smith's, girlfriend, who every week writes a list of things that have made her happy in the week that's gone by. And that inspired me to do the same thing. But not every Thursday or Saturday. Just when I feel like it.

So, welcome to my Happy Blog - a space for glad memories of the past and present!

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